Issue 8: For this Prime Day, BOYCOTT AMAZON
13 Jul 2018
It that’s time of year again! If you’re one of the millions of Americans who “celebrate” Amazon Prime Day (July 16-17) with a shopping spree, Amazon workers in Spain have a message for you: Shut it down.

Unions in Spain are calling on Amazon workers from around the globe to join their strike and for customers to boycott the website, especially on Prime Day. As the striking workers put it themselves: “We in Madrid believe that only if we struggle together will we gain recognition for our demands.”
Here in the States, the fight against Amazon and its contracts with ICE has escalated. Six activists with the immigrant rights group Cosecha were arrested after blocking the entrance to the New York City Amazon Store. “I cannot be a bystander as Amazon facilitates the criminalization of my immigrant community,” said one Cosecha organizer, Cata Santiago. We stand with these activists and with the Amazon employees who refuse to help their company violate human rights.
On Monday, Orlando Police confirmed that they are renewing their contract with Amazon for its Rekognition face recognition software. Amazon workers: you know what to do.
And if you don’t work at Amazon, you can still take a stand against Amazon’s pernicious labor and governance practices in local communities across the country.
Finally, a reminder that our collective voices as workers are making a difference across industries: After pressure from their employees, consulting firm McKinsey & Company announced that it has stopped working with ICE; Deloitte may follow suit as pressure form internal employees mounts there as well.
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In The News
On Monday, we joined Salesforce workers and community organizations at Salesforce Tower to amplify the call for Marc Benioff to #CancelTheContract with Customs & Border Protection.
Benioff has decided not to cut ties with the agency, tweeting: “CBP is a customer & follows our TOS.”
Is shackling and abusing pregnant mothers in line with the Salesforce Terms of Service? One mother reported that CBP officers “pushed her to the ground and “threw [her] around.” She told them again that she was pregnant, she said. “They didn’t believe me, they said it wasn’t important, that it wasn’t their problem.”
Walmart has patented an audio surveillance tool they’re calling “listening to the frontend” technology in an attempt to get ahead of Amazon in worker control and exploitation.
Airbnb benefits local economies — but only in white neighborhoods, study finds.

New claims have emerged in the NLRB’s union-blocking investigation into Tesla, saying that Musk promised to improve working conditions if employees dropped their union organizing.
Song Of The Week
Lonnie Holley - I Woke Up in a Fucked-Up America (Official Video)
Humans fighting in the streets
Cell phone abuse
Computer misuse
Data feeds to the cloud
I woke up in a fucked-up America